Monday, January 30, 2012

Doodle 4 Google

Day 5
Day 1 
Day 2

Day 4

Day 3
For this project we were to recreate the Google's homepage logo with the theme of "If I could travel in time, I'd visit..." Computer drawing/design software was one of the mediums we could use to create our doodle so we used Adobe Illustrator CS3. The time I chose was around 1300 C.E., during the time of one of my favorite civilizations:  The Aztecs. I incorporated many things from their culture into my doodle. The capital G was a headdress with feathers, the first o was a symbol for flower, and the second o and g were the ball and hoop of the Aztec ball game. Maize, or corn, was one of their staple crops so the l was made into an ear of corn. Then the e was a jaguar as portrayed in their art, the wild cat being a symbol of strength and power. In the background there is a temple and a sun peeking out from behind it. I used gradients in both the ear of corn and the sun to given them dimension. Lines were used to create all of the objects, especially the pyramid to show the many blocks of stone that would've been used to make the real thing. There is unity between all these objects in that they all relate back to the time and place in which I planned. My final design is a bit changed from my sketch. I changed a few items such as the human heart for the symbol and the corn in place of the weapon.

1 comment:

  1. I think this project is one of the best and I really like what you have done with this.
