Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Day 1 - Sketch

Day 2 

Day 3

Final Design

In this project we were to use Adobe Illustrator CS3 to create a 3D rendering of a product we have invented. We were to use our knowledge of 3D effects such as Revolve and Extrude & Bevel. The art mapping option enabled us to map a 2D design to the surface of a 3D object. My product was inspired by an invention in a movie. It is a mask that can do a full face of makeup with just the push of a few buttons. The mask is intended to cover the whole face, with a screen being visible once on. The shape of the mask was to mimic the shape of a real person's face, with the features of the face on the front. I made the size of the facial features proportional and similar to a real face. The gradation created by using the 3D effect made the mask look more realistic. My sketch was much simpler than my final product. The details were thought of but added onto the project as I worked on it. 

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