Friday, February 24, 2012


Day 2
Day 1 - Sketch
Day 3
Day 4

Day 5 (edited)
For this project we were to come up with an original character and bring them to life using Adobe Illustrator CS3. We had to come up with the concept and details to our characters. Then from our sketches we were to translate it to the computer. My character is a rag doll, but one that is from a dark toy store. Her dress is in a somewhat lolita style with patches sewn on. There are stitch marks on her head as well as her leg. Her hair is colored with two shades of turquoise and her eyes are an olive green color. Using lines of different stroke weight, I made the smaller details such as for the stitching and for larger ones like making the eyes. The most dominant feature would her head and her eyes, which are larger in proportion to her body. I tried to balance the details on her body. The stitches on her head are on her right side and the ones on her legs are on the left. Overall, my final design accurately represents my sketch in that I included most of the original details. One thing I changed was in the action pose. Instead of having both legs on the ground or one being kicked back like I attempted, part of it was detached.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

OH Scape

Day 2

Day 1

Day 3
Day 4
Final Design

In this project we were to recreate an area within the school using our sketches as our only references. We took two class periods to sketch out the area of our choosing, getting as much details as we could. From there we were to recreate the scenes in Adobe Illustrator CS3. I chose to do an area that led into one of the courtyards. This spot was around the stairway right before you entire the business hall. With the repeating lines, I was able to create a brick pattern that created one of my walls and part of the other. The Extrude and Bevel effect was used to create different support beams and the Revolve effect helped create the smaller details on the door. Gradients also helped create a more realistic effect in the window and part of the wall. Almost each aspect of my project contains a texture similar to the real thing. The different brush strokes helped to create texture and add to the realism as well. Using a variety of beige shades I tried to mimic the actual colors of the floor, doors, and wall. Staying true to the area, I added little dents and scuff marks to the door as well as the window using lines and playing around with their transparencies. My final product is an accurate representation of my sketch in that I was able to recreate almost all the details I drew in, especially in the doors.