Friday, May 4, 2012

Landscape Animation

Day 1

Day 2

In this project we worked in Adobe Flash in order to create a landscape animation. Our animations were to be at least seven seconds long and had to contain at least two animations/tweens. For my animation I chose to do a garden, featuring bushes with flowers, a bee, clouds, and a tree. The wings of the bee were made a movie clip so that throughout the animation they would flap. As the animation goes along, the clouds move across the sky and it appears as if you're walking through the garden, walking past the tree and to the different flowers. All of the objects in my animation were created using basic shapes and lines. The flowers consisted of circles and the tree's leaves were also made of circles. There is repetition in the flower shapes but variation in their color and size. I tried creating harmony in the piece by using similar elements, ones specific to the outdoors.

Saturday, April 14, 2012


Home Page




In this project we were to create a website that contained at least five pages. Using Photoshop/Illustrator and Macromedia Dreamweaver, we were to make a functioning website of our choosing. I made a personal website for myself, with a penguin/arctic theme. To create a harmony and unity, I chose to stick with a specific theme and color theme. The homepage shows an igloo and the banner on each of the pages has a picture of ice in the antarctic. On each of the pages there is a little penguin, Howard. Majority of the elements of my website were created from scratch using lines and shape. My final product ended up being a combination of two of my sketches. The igloo section on the homepage was the original website homepage. The banner and navigation bar was added later one.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Web design: Home page

Sketch - Portrait
Sketch - Landscape
Day 3
Final Design
Final Design:  Edited

For our Web Design project were to use Adobe Photoshop/Adobe Illustrator and Macromedia Dreamweaver to create webpages. In this part of the project, we focused on creating a static web page. We had to come up with a subject that our websites were going to be about as well a concept for to portray it. Things such as color and font choices were important to take into consideration. Different colors represented different things. A variety of colors and fonts could confuse people and make a page cluttered. My website is a personal one to display my different artwork, makeup looks, and even cooking/baking dishes. Since my nickname is Penguin, I decided to have an igloo on my home page. The igloo was made using the 3D Revolve tool in a light ice blue color. I made the different lines in a brick pattern then Art Mapped it onto the basic igloo shape. On the blocks of "ice" that made the entrance to the igloo had the different links on the blog. The entrance itself was made using the Extrude and Bevel tool. The bright purple door brought attention to the center of the page since it contrasted with the icy blues and gays. The sign on the door had the name of my website, Penguin Paradise, and had a quick bit on what my website was about. There is unity in the piece because I kept the winter/snowy theme constant. My final design accurately represents my sketch in that it included many of the details that I drew in, such as the sign on the door and the bricks. The words on the sign were the only unstable thing since I couldn't make up my mind on what it should say.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Kony 2012



Sticker Sheet
For this project we were to create a promo pack for the KONY 2012 movement. We needed to create  poster, flyer, and sticker design using Adobe Illustrator CS3. To create the different elements of the promo pack we had to research the cause and the organizations that support the movement. The color scheme was consistent in all three projects and were the same ones used in the main campaign. My flyer included outlines of children with "There are invisible children... make them seen." My poster contained a picture of Kony himself with a few statements to get people to become informed. "Know his name. Know his face. Know his crimes." The background has a gradient from a brighter red to a darker one. The stickers were circles using the words as the other lines to create a peace sign. Since it is a sheet of stickers, each row uses the same colors but in a variety of ways.

Monday, March 5, 2012


Day 2 - Final Design
Day 1
For this two day project we were to create a Character Profile Sheet about the character we created in the previous project. We were to include details about our character such as physical features and personality traits. For my Profile sheet I used a gradient of a pinkish brown color as the background. Then to include something about her interest in sewing, I used a thread and needle to separate the information from the other elements. "Alva Jo" is shown in three different perspectives, from the front, the profile, and in an action pose. I created spools of thread in various lengths and colors and placed them around one of the views.

Friday, February 24, 2012


Day 2
Day 1 - Sketch
Day 3
Day 4

Day 5 (edited)
For this project we were to come up with an original character and bring them to life using Adobe Illustrator CS3. We had to come up with the concept and details to our characters. Then from our sketches we were to translate it to the computer. My character is a rag doll, but one that is from a dark toy store. Her dress is in a somewhat lolita style with patches sewn on. There are stitch marks on her head as well as her leg. Her hair is colored with two shades of turquoise and her eyes are an olive green color. Using lines of different stroke weight, I made the smaller details such as for the stitching and for larger ones like making the eyes. The most dominant feature would her head and her eyes, which are larger in proportion to her body. I tried to balance the details on her body. The stitches on her head are on her right side and the ones on her legs are on the left. Overall, my final design accurately represents my sketch in that I included most of the original details. One thing I changed was in the action pose. Instead of having both legs on the ground or one being kicked back like I attempted, part of it was detached.